Saturday, July 26, 2008

The lawn....bees.....STING

We went to Tim's parents house while the kids were still napping in the car from our drive home from the valley....I was checking the TV's with their new Smart Cards...turns out the batteries were dead in the remote in the basement, because all the TV's are working fine...that's all I could figure out. Tim decided to start mowing the lawn, when I came out he was running around and ripping his shoes and socks off......
This is the pipe Tim hit with the lawn mower trying to cut as close to the house as possible. There is a hole beside the drain pipe and bees are flying in and out constantly....the nest
Tim with his wounded legs
The bee I did see and stepped on him to kill him

1 comment:

Shaun and Michelle Slauenwhite said...

That was an unexpected surprise! Not nice!