Thursday, August 07, 2008


Are YOU living in CHAOS?.....(Can't Have Anyone Over Syndrome)

I've been reading through a new website which I read on Sarah Pridy (Knowles) has some really interesting tips to keeping your house in order and staying on top of everything.
I especially like the following does make you smile in the morning.

Why do I have to shine my sink?

This is your first household chore. Many of you can't understand why I want you to empty your sink of your dirty dishes and clean and shine it, when there is so much more to do. It is so simple. I want you to have a sense of accomplishment. You have struggled for years with a cluttered home and you are so beaten down. I just want to put a smile on your face. When you get up the next morning, your sink will greet you and a smile will come across your lovely face. I can't be there to give you a big hug, but I know how good it feels to see yourself in your kitchen sink. So each morning this is my gift to you. Even though I can't be there to pat you on the back, I want you to know that I am very proud of you. Go Shine your Sink. - FlyLady

Anywho, the website is:

Check it out when you have time to do some leisure reading.....I find it funny that the layout of the website is sort of scattered and not as organized as it could be...but it has some helpful information....I think I am "BO" according to the flylady, you'll have to read her site to figure out what that means. But I can always use some helpful tips in different areas.


Shaun and Michelle Slauenwhite said...

Marni, that's funny. Someone here in Essex just told me about FlyLady and I signed up for the emails a few days ago! I agree, the site is a bit wacky, and unorganized, but she does have some helpful ideas!

Anonymous said...

Ive been faithfully doing flylady for over a year and LOVE it! good luck!

Me said...

I just looked at the site, its great !
(Carly's friend Jenney from Ont)