Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The Shiner...before the wedding

The cause of the traumatic evening began with an innocent elastic stretch band....which came flying back and hit her in the eye while she was playing with it....
So I took her to Cobequid Hospital while Tim was at the party and Gloria came over because Lincoln was was a pretty deep cut (a lot of blood, if anyone has experienced a facial cut before), but would have been too traumatic to do one stitch so the Doctor decided that the strip would heal it just as well.
Libby fell asleep on the bed while we waited for the Doctor to check her....good ol' Canadian health system. She is trying to smile for the picture
She is the flower girl on Saturday, the Doctor thought she should be pretty healed up by then, because kids heal so fast....if not, nothing a little make-up and photoshop can't take care of.....
We'll see what it looks like tomorrow...hopefully not too puffy and black

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