Friday, October 10, 2008

Guess What.....

Quirky is back...I just thought to myself, why won't you work and then turned on old quirky and voila...the camera works fine. So maybe the camera was feeling bad not doing his job or felt left out just sitting there all this time. Or maybe it knows how bad the economy is and didn't want me to spend the money....who knows...but it works, I save money and here are some random pictures, just because I haven't taken any in so long...

Lincoln playing a tune....
Libby is my new official grape picker off the stem and washer....

I started putting Lincoln on the pottie, just to get use to it so he will hopefully train by 18 months

Quirky is back...I just thought to myself, why won't you work and then turned on old quirky and voila...the camera works fine. So maybe the camera was feeling bad not doing his job or felt left out just sitting there all this time. Who knows...but it works, I save money and here are some random pictures, just because I haven't taken any in so long...

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